
Are Tradable Development Rights a Viable Option to Control Land Development and Land Consumption?

Online Webinar: Are Tradable Development Rights a Viable Option to Control Land Development and Land Consumption?
“Save land — they’re not making any more of it.”

The consumption of open spaces for settlement and transport use results in urban sprawl, land and soil sealing, more traffic, higher costs for infrastructure, loss of biodiversity, among many other detrimental effects. Germany has a political target to reduce such land consumption to less than 30 hectares per day (roughly 75 acres per day) by the year 2030. The US, on the other hand, does not have such a target in place. Nevertheless, in parts of the country there is an increasing sensitivity concerning the conversion of agricultural or forest land into settlement structures. In order to control land consumption and protect open spaces, both countries have tested market-based tools based on development rights and certificates to develop land.

The webinar aims at exchanging international experiences with both approaches and jointly discussing the pros and cons.

Date and time: 
April 28, 2022
16:00 PM — 17:30 PM (CEST) / 7:00 – 8:30 AM PDT

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Umweltbundesamt | German Environment Agency

Agenda (all times in CEST)

16:00   Welcome

16:05   The German Perspective, with the following inputs:

  • The German perspective from a scientific point of view, Detlef Grimski (German Environment Agency)
  • Experiences of a community from a large-scale simulation test run, Renate Daurer (City Planning Office, Stadt Esslingen am Neckar)
  • Perspectives of a Federal State, Dr. Björn Fleischer (Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia)

16:35    Discussion

16:45    The US perspective, with the following inputs:

  • Erika Harris (Puget Sound Regional Council)
  • Regional Transfer of Development Rights in and around King County, WA, Nick Bratton (Forterra) and Michael Murphy (King County, WA)

17:15     Discussion

17:30    End

Webex Access Link:
Dial-in Option Germany: +49 619 6781 9736
Dial-in Option US: +1 650 215 5226
Meeting Number: 174 493 0249

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