Environmental Assessments and the European Green Deal ’22
European and Regional Conference „Environmental Assessments and the European Green Deal ’22”.
Environmental assessments as instruments of European Green Deal: key challenges to address climate change and biodiversity loss.
14th -17th September 2022
Hotel complex Olympia Sky
Vodice, Croatia
The Thematic Areas:
Approaches to screening and scoping; EIA & Green Deal; Public Participation; Relationship between EIA and development consent and decision-making, Appropriate Assessment and climate proofing; EIA Procedure efficiency and quality control; Connection between EIA and Environmental and Health Risk Assessment; Climate change; Cumulative impacts, EIA and Transboundary consultations; Environmental protection measures; Environmental monitoring; Judicial practice - STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (SEA)
Approaches to screening and scoping; SEA & Green Deal; Public participation; Relationship between SEA and strategic decision-making, Appropriate Assessment and climate proofing; Conclusion of the SEA procedure, Connection between SEA and Environmental and Health Risk Assessment; SEA and Social Impact Assessment; SEA and physical planning; SEA and transboundary consultations, Cumulative effects, Judicial practice - APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT
Conservation Objectives; Appropriate Assessment and its relation to EIA Directive; Application to projects not listed under Annex I and II of EIA Directive- mechanism for screening such activities; Procedures; Scope of assessment of biodiversity, geodiversity and landscape diversity; Admissibility of projects found to have adverse effects, Overriding Public Interest, Approach to alternatives, Ecological Network and Economy, Judicial Practice - CLIMATE PROOFING
New European Commission Technical guidance on climate the proofing of infrastructure in the period 2021-2027 and its connection to EIA and SEA; Climate data availability and quality; Uncertainty and no-regret option; Climate resilience and neutrality of projects - SUSTAINABLE AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH
Green infrastructure; Ecosystem services; Circular economy
Croatian Association of Experts in Nature and Environmental Protection (HUSZPO)
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia
Conference endorsed by
International Association for Impact Assessment
The Association of Environmental Assessment Consultants, Poland
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Preliminary programme:
Day 1 – 14/09/2022
17:00 – 20:00 Gathering and registration
18:00 – 20:00 Welcome drinks and mingling
Day 2 – 15/09/2022
09:00 – 10:00 Opening Ceremony
10:00 – 18:00 Expert and Scientific Presentations
18:00 – 19:00 Poster Presentations
Day 3 – 16/09/2022
09:00 – 17:00 Expert and Scientific Presentations
17:00 – 18:00 Closing Ceremony
Day4 – 17/09/2022
09:00 – 13:00 Half-day excursion
Registration fee:
200.00 EUR with VAT included
Early bird registration (with payment up to July 15th, 2022) registration fee is: 170.00 EUR with VAT included.
Fee includes: participation at the Conference, electronic Proceedings, printed issue of Book of Abstracts. For every participant welcome drink, lunches, coffee breaks, gala dinner and excursion is organized.
Members of the Organizing Committee:
- Nenad Mikulić, Croatia (President)
- Oleg Antonić, Croatia
- Bojana Borić, Croatia
- Jiří Dusík, Czechia
- Jerzy Jendrośka, Poland
- Ivan Martinić, Croatia
- Merica Pletikosić, Croatia
- Ilija Šmitran, Croatia
- Željko Tusić, Croatia
- Domagoj Vranješ, Croatia
Members of the Scientific Committee:
- Prof. Oleg Antonić, PhD, Head of Granum Salis Cooperative for research, planning and design in sustainable environmental management, Croatia (President of the Scientific Committee)
- Prof. Roko Andričević, PhD, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, University of Split, Croatia
- Assoc. prof. Aleksandra Anić Vučinić, PhD, Department of Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Faculty, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Danko Biondić, PhD, Head of Development Sector, Croatian Waters, Croatia
Vasilije Bušković, M.Sc., Senior Adviser, Environmental Protection Agency, Montenegro - Aljoša Duplić, PhD, Director, Institute for Environment and Nature, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Croatia
- Prof. Branimir Hackenberger Kutuzović, PhD, Department of Biology, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer, Osijek, Croatia
- Vladimir Jelavić, PhD, Director of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Department, Ekonerg Ltd., Croatia
- Dušan Jelić, PhD, CEO Biota Ltd., Croatia
- Prof. Jerzy Jendrośka, PhD, Department of International and Community Law, University of Opole, Poland
- Prof. Mihone Kerolli-Mustafa, PhD, Director of the International Business College Mitrovica, Kosovo
- Vesna Kolar Planinšič, M.Sc., Head of Strategic Environmental Assessment Division, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia
- Prof. Ivan Martinić, PhD, Institute for Forestry Techniques and Technologies, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Nenad Mikulić, PhD, Ekoinvest Ltd., Croatia - Assist. prof. Merica Pletikosić, PhD, Sustainability Manager, CEMEX, Croatia
Małgorzata Roge-Wiśniewska, PhD, University Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development, University of Warsaw, Poland and Vice President of the Association of Environmental Assessment Consultants, Poland - Prof. Trajče Stafilov, PhD, Institute of Chemistry, St. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, North Macedonia
- Ivan Vučković, PhD, Water Resources, Nature and Environmental Protection Section, Elektroprojekt JSC, Croatia
Members of the Advisory Committee:
- Ralf Aschemann, PhD, Senior Lecturer at the University of Graz, academic co-ordinator of the “Erasmus Mundus Master’s Programme on Circular Economy” Austria
- Alan Bond, PhD, School of Environmental Science, University of East Anglia, UK, and Research Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management, North West University (Potchefstroom campus), South Africa
- Jiří Dusík, Managing Partner, Integra Consulting, and Co-chair, Emerging Technologies Section at the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA)
- Prof. Thomas Fischer, PhD, University of Liverpool / Director of WHO Collaborating Centre on Health in Impact Assessments, UK
- Igor Kreitmeyer, Head of Directorate for Nature Protection, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Croatia
- Miltos Ladikas, PhD, Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Anamarija Matak, Head of Directorate for Environmental Impact Assessment and Sustainable Waste Management, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Croatia
- Prof. Maria Rosario Partidario, Superior Technical Institute, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Rob Verheem, Director International, Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment
- Małgorzata Roge-Wiśniewska, PhD, University Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development, University of Warsaw, Poland and Vice President of the Association of Environmental Assessment Consultants, Poland
- Barry Sadler, former chair, International Study of the Effectiveness of Environmental Assessment
- Željka Medven Korman, M.Sc., Croatia
- Danijela Đaković, Croatia